
15 best games where you play as a monster

There are moments when all you want to do is create some games where you play as a monster. It is definitely enjoyable to play the role of the good guy who goes about vanquishing the evil guys and rescuing the world, but there are moments when all you want to do is bring harm to the innocent people, the good ones, and the world around you. When you put yourself in their wicked shoes, it provides a certain kind of satisfaction.

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There are moments when all you want to do is create some games where you play as a monster

Games where you play as a monster

Regrettably, there aren’t too many games in which games where you play as a monster. Yet the ones that are accessible are so much fun to use that it’s hard to complain. They enrich the gaming experience of anybody with something fresh and original, and it would be foolish not to give them a go at least once.

Do you like playing games in which you take the games where you play as a monster who can inflict severe harm and strike terror into the hearts of their opponents, or do you prefer to play games in which you take the role of a hero? If the first option is more appealing to you, then you are in luck since there are a lot of games where you can assume the games where you play as a monster. Several games provide players the opportunity to take on the role of games where you play as a monster during certain parts of the game, while others let you take use of your monstrous inclinations for the whole of the experience, for better or for worse. You need go no farther than the games where you play as a monster that are listed here if you are searching for a way to play a game in which you take on the role of the villain.

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Do you like playing games in which you take the games where you play as a monster who can inflict severe harm and strike terror into the hearts of their opponents, or do you prefer to play games in which you take the role of a hero

Ravenous Devils

Have you ever entertained the idea of becoming Sweeney Todd and baking pies using human meat? If so, Ravenous Devils is the digital experience that most closely resembles that type of laborious labour. The games where you play as a monster is a management simulator in which players operate a tailor shop and bar, only the clothing is stolen from dead people and the food is made from their rotting flesh. It demonstrates a very astute understanding of business.

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Gamers will entice some wealthy clients to the establishment, kill them, strip them naked, and then put their mutilated bodies through the meat grinder. Nature provides! It offers a novel spin on the horror genre by allowing players to amass wealth via the exploitation and murder of other players in a more straightforward manner.

The games where you play as a monster is a management simulator in which players operate a tailor shop and bar, only the clothing is stolen from dead people and the food is made from their rotting flesh


Imagine a version of the Punisher that, instead of holding organized crime accountable for the deaths of his family members, holds mankind responsible instead. In a word, it sums up the basis of Hate. The games where you play as a monster takes control of a character depicted as a long-haired, angst-ridden, metalhead monster of a guy who despises his own kind and wages war on everyone else.

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The objective of the game is to race through the streets and kill everyone, focusing mostly on those who put up a resistance. It is also possible to play it as an apocalypse simulator, in which participants are tasked with walking and shooting their own apocalypses while leaving mountains of dead bodies in their games where you play as a monster. Consider the restorative work that mother nature will do thereafter.

The games where you play as a monster takes control of a character depicted as a long-haired, angst-ridden, metalhead monster of a guy who despises his own kind and wages war on everyone else

The Island That Remains Unknown

Another kind of simulator or management game is called The Shrouded Isle. In this games where you play as a monster, players choose which innocent individuals to kill. To what end games where you play as a monster? In any case, for the pleasure of the Great Old Ones in their own right! By devoting your souls and blood to various gods and creatures from Lovecraft’s universe, you may bring them to life.


That doesn’t matter, since those filthy scumbags never had any moral compass to begin with. It is also helpful that these unfortunate nomads and inland peasants live in a run-down seaside town that is hidden from the scrutinizing eyes of city dwellers. Try your best to make them feel at games where you play as a monster on the Shrouded Island by extending a warm welcome.

Try your best to make them feel at games where you play as a monster on the Shrouded Island by extending a warm welcome

Zombie Night Terror

So, if you’re looking for games where you play as a monster that’s a bit less serious and doesn’t necessary entail big bad gods or uncontrolled anguish, you should find Zombie Night Terror to be more than enough. It’s a straightforward strategy game in which players pit their armies of the living dead against the pitiful survivors of mankind.


In this regard, it is somewhat comparable to Hatred; yet, games where you play as a monster has the potential to be more entertaining since players have the opportunity to imagine that they are Michael Jackson performing in a music video for “Thriller.” The player’s arsenal will be expanded to include other varieties of zombies in order to keep things interesting. There are large games where you play as a monster, swift ones, stinking ones, and puking ones among them. All of these are useful tools to have while dealing with those weak folks.

So, if you’re looking for games where you play as a monster that’s a bit less serious and doesn’t necessary entail big bad gods or uncontrolled anguish, you should find Zombie Night Terror to be more than enough


The original version of the Postal video game, which was developed by Running with Scissors, is the equal of a demented snuff flick in terms of the amount of desensitizing gore and wanton brutality that it contains. The difference in this case is that the players are the ones who get to inflict this type of brutality on helpless victims.

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In this regard, Postal is among the most unsettling video games that have ever been created. That is even more audacious and without any kind of remorse than something like Grand Theft Auto. The games where you play as a monster is definitely not for those who are easily frightened, as it vividly recreates the experience of being a monstrosity and a threat to human civilization.

The original version of the Postal video game, which was developed by Running with Scissors, is the equal of a demented snuff flick in terms of the amount of desensitizing gore and wanton brutality that it contains

The Absence of Light

In The Darkness, the story of a criminal organization follows a formulaic pattern: Jackie Estacado, the protagonist (or antagonist, depending on your perspective), is betrayed by his mafia boss out of fear of the latter’s increasing power. This child is in luck since his family tree has a dormant demonic entity known as the Darkness. This entity, when activated, bestows its bearer with various occult talents.

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As a result, The Darkness is more of a narrative of retribution, in which Jackie works to bring down the business run by his former employer out of spite. Gamers are permitted to murder a large number of enemy troops, and they are encouraged to do games where you play as a monster in the most cruel manner imaginable. It’s true that everyone in The Darkness is a villain, but Jackie is a force of evil that cannot be stopped.

In The Darkness, the story of a criminal organization follows a formulaic pattern: Jackie Estacado, the protagonist (or antagonist, depending on your perspective), is betrayed by his mafia boss out of fear of the latter’s increasing power

Left 4 Dead

It’s an ancient game, so the games where you play as a monster haven’t kept up with the times, but on the bright side, it’s been ported over to gaming devices with less power. In any event, Left 4 Dead is the first game to include a four-player cooperative mode, which has since become one of the most popular and successful multiplayer game genres. Players are pitted against hordes of the undead in this game.

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There is a game called “games where you play as a monster” in which up to four other players may collaborate to eliminate the survivors by taking control of stronger and more specialized zombies. The game offers a lot of different challenges because to this. So taking control of the creatures in the game may be both more tough and entertaining than playing the role of the traditional gunner.

It’s an ancient game, so the games where you play as a monster haven’t kept up with the times, but on the bright side, it’s been ported over to gaming devices with less power


One of Rockstar Games’ older and less well-known games, “Manhunt” showcases the company at its most brutal. It puts players in the role of a convict called James Earl Cash, who is coerced into contributing material for snuff films that fetishize gruesome executions and cold games where you play as a monster – blooded murder. These videos are seen as entertainment.

In Manhunt, everyone is a horrible human being with the exception of Cash, and his graphic executions may be so disturbing that they make you want to throw up most of the time. This is similar to the situation in The Darkness. Due to the extreme violence shown in the game, Manhunt has been deemed unacceptable in a number of jurisdictions, making games where you play as a monster one of Rockstar’s least played titles.

One of Rockstar Games’ older and less well-known games, “Manhunt” showcases the company at its most brutal

Dead By Dawn

Dead by Daylight is a four-player first-person shooter that takes the premise established by Left 4 Dead and adds its own spin to it. The other player will take games where you play as a monster, while the other four players will take on the roles of human victims. Even though it’s effectively four monsters fighting one human, the battle is in no way unequal since the monsters have access to magical abilities.

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In addition to that, the monsters may be well-known figures from popular culture, such as Freddy Krueger from “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” Pinhead from “Hellraiser,” Pyramid Head from “Silent Hill,” etc. The monsters are having a feast as they attempt to eat as many of the defenseless survivors as they can while also chopping them up into little pieces.

Dead by Daylight is a four-player first-person shooter that takes the premise established by Left 4 Dead and adds its own spin to it

The Friday the 13th Role Playing Game

Have you ever pondered the reason why Jason Voorhees doesn’t seem to be a part of the roster of killers in Dead by Daylight? The correct response is that he made the decision to play his own co-op multiplayer horror game by himself. The arrangement is also the same, but games where you play as a monster accommodates a greater number of victims.

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In order to make games where you play as a monster to safety, seven people will have to play the part of sitting ducks as they waddle their way through the crowd. As games where you play as a monster, another player is going to be strutting about as a thug while wearing a hockey mask and brandishing a machete.

Have you ever pondered the reason why Jason Voorhees doesn’t seem to be a part of the roster of killers in Dead by Daylight


The tone of Vampyr is established lightning fast. The main character, Dr. Jonathan Reid, transforms into a vampire at the beginning of the game’s opening scenario, and very soon thereafter, he unintentionally causes the death of his own sister so he may drink her blood. Following games where you play as a monster, there is no going back for him and there never will be.

As Reid, players have the option of giving in to their vampire impulses and killing people with no concern for the consequences of their actions. They have the option of becoming a walking bloodsucker and even taking the lives of some of the most prominent non-player characters in the game. That type of predatory and evil conduct is allowed in a limited number of games where you play as a monster.

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As Reid, players have the option of giving in to their vampire impulses and killing people with no concern for the consequences of their actions


Lucius is fairly similar to Vampyr, with the key difference being that players are coerced into following a malicious path. The story is centered on the eponymous child figure, who is revealed to be none other than the son of Satan himself. As games where you play as a monster, Lucius intends to hurt and murder everyone who comes near to him, regardless of whether or not it is a member of his human family. Lucius video game cover

As games where you play as a monster, the player takes on the role of Lucius and is tasked with plotting and carrying out the murder of his family members. In this respect, games where you play as a monster is a puzzle horror game in which meticulous preparation is required in order to enable Lucius to carry out some bloody but clean killings on his enemies.

Lucius is fairly similar to Vampyr, with the key difference being that players are coerced into following a malicious path

The Agony Of It All

The Suffering is a horror-themed action-adventure video game that was released in 2004. It allows the player to switch between first-person and third-person perspectives at any moment throughout the game. In The Suffering, you take on the role of Torque, a brusque protagonist who is now serving a sentence of execution for the heinous crime of killing his family, which he adamantly denies having committed. Following games where you play as a monster, Torque is forced to investigate the dreary and dangerous areas of Abbot State Prison in order to locate a way out of the facility.

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The Suffering is a horror-themed action-adventure video game that was released in 2004

As you take control of the monster in this game, you won’t just be playing as the homicidal Torque; rather, you’ll have the opportunity to morph into a massive, strong monster that wrecks havoc at Abbot State Prison. When Torque’s insanity meter reaches its maximum, he will be able to transform into this monster form and inflict significant damage on the nefarious inmates that inhabit the jail. Although while you won’t be able to keep this shape for long, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the standard horror-themed exploring and battles.

As you take control of the monster in this game, you won’t just be playing as the homicidal Torque


When it comes to titles for games where you play as a monster, Carrion is one of a kind. It’s a full-fledged Metroidvania sidescroller, and players take control of a tentacled creature that’s hell-bent on wiping out everyone in a laboratory. The game’s creators describe it as a “reverse horror,” in which the player takes on the role of the monster in a film modeled like a standard sci-fi monster horror movie.

It’s quite similar to playing the role of the alien in the game Alien, only the creature is a more horrifying combination of the individuals games where you play as a monster murders. The monster’s abilities are fascinating as well, as games where you play as a monster is able to shapeshift to some degree and utilize its appendages to move quietly, cling to railings, and traverse ceilings and walls. Moreover, games where you play as a monster can shapeshift to a certain extent.

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When it comes to titles for games where you play as a monster, Carrion is one of a kind

Sea Salt

Sea Salt, much like Carrion, favors the classic 16-bit style of aesthetics, yet despite this, the games where you play as a monster is not in the least degree diminished. Players take control of a horde of Dagon’s minions in Sea Salt, with the goal of completing a ritual and calling in Lovecraftian monsters in an effort to bring about the end of the world.

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However, the ceremony is being constantly disrupted by nosy locals, so games where you play as a monster is up to the players to control Dagon’s swarms and gather sacrifices in order for the summoning to go through. There are a total of 16 minions, and each one has a unique set of statistics and a specific function to play in the big and incomprehensible plot that their king and savior has devised for them.

Sea Salt, much like Carrion, favors the classic 16-bit style of aesthetics, yet despite this, the games where you play as a monster is not in the least degree diminished

Silent Hill 2

A monster may take on a variety of games where you play as a monster, and the one that appears in Silent Hill 2 is metaphorical. James Sunderland seems to have all the makings of a conventional leading man protagonist, what with his good looks and everything. Nevertheless, as the narrative progresses, games where you play as a monster is revealed that his heinous crimes and the subconscious guilt he felt for killing his own wife manifested themselves as the delirious monstrosities who inhabit Silent Hill.

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So, it stands to reason that James himself is the most terrifying adversary to face during the whole of Silent Hill 2. His regular human shell is only a cover for the guilt-ridden demon that lurks inside, who both wants to run away from his faults and also be punished for them, all while desiring to see the wife he suffocated to death with a pillow. This is an example of the sort of abstract monster that is difficult to destroy.

A monster may take on a variety of games where you play as a monster, and the one that appears in Silent Hill 2 is metaphorical

Earthblood is part of the Werewolf: The Apocalypse series.

You play the role of Cahal, a werewolf who is a member of a clan called the Garou, in the action-adventure video game Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood. The game is played from a third-person perspective and follows a fairly traditional plot. Earthblood is a World of Darkness video game that combines exploration, combat situations, and stealth gameplay into a package that is relatively average and doesn’t really accomplish much to differentiate itself from the competition. The game takes set in the World of Darkness world.

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Yet, Cahal is able to switch between these three forms at any moment, with his most powerful form being that of a full-fledged werewolf that has the ability to stand on its hind legs and inflict havoc on the villains who attempt to contaminate Gaia. The fact that you are able to make use of a whole array of unlocked talents and powers that are werewolf-centric makes playing as this horrific beast arguably the most enjoyable aspect of Earthblood. In the long run, games where you play as a monster’s little more than mindless enjoyment, but having the opportunity to control this legendary beast while you play is undeniably exciting.

Yet, Cahal is able to switch between these three forms at any moment, with his most powerful form being that of a full-fledged werewolf that has the ability to stand on its hind legs and inflict havoc on the villains who attempt to contaminate Gaia

Aliens Versus Predator

Despite the fact that games where you play as a monster is an older game and can only be played on the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, games where you play as a monster is one that will never stop bringing its players happiness and amusement. This is the kind of game where you get to enjoy playing both the heroes and the monsters at various stages throughout the game, and Aliens vs. Predator is exactly that kind of game. After all, who wouldn’t want to pretend to be one of the most infamous creatures in the history of the universe?

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You have the opportunity in this amazing game to take on the roles of an Alien, a Marine, and a Predator, each in their own unique storyline. You not only get to decide whether you want to play as the hero or the monster, but you also get to test out what it’s like to play as some of the most well-known and horrifying monsters in the world.

This is the kind of game where you get to enjoy playing both the heroes and the monsters at various stages throughout the game, and Aliens vs. Predator is exactly that kind of game

The Bear Living Among Us

When games where you play as a monster comes to games produced by the illustrious Telltale Games, you can be certain that you will be playing an episodic adventure game packed with challenging decisions, stunning visuals, and a narrative that will have you captivated from the very beginning to the very end. The Wolf Among Us is no exception to this rule, with the notable exception that the game’s challenging decisions have the potential to very quickly turn you into the monstrosity that many of the villagers already fear you to be.

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You take on the role of a guy called Bigby Wolf, sometimes referred to as the Big Bad Wolf, and your objective is to investigate a gruesome crime that took place in Fabletown. It’s a gloomy thriller that gives a new spin on portraying a monster by requiring a little bit more control and a lot more thinking on the part of the actor.

When games where you play as a monster comes to games produced by the illustrious Telltale Games, you can be certain that you will be playing an episodic adventure game packed with challenging decisions, stunning visuals, and a narrative that will have you captivated from the very beginning to the very end


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Maneater is one of the more recent games that has been produced in which you get to play as a monster. In this game, you get to assume the role of a young shark that witnesses the brutal killing of its mother by poachers. You may very easily be a lovely little shark that just consumes what games where you play as a monster needs to and destroys a few signs if you need to. This is a perfectly acceptable behavior for a shark. Or you may be the person you’ve always dreamed of becoming. You have the ability to transform into a shark that devours humans and wreaks mayhem throughout the whole of Port Clovis.

Maneater is one of the more recent games that has been produced in which you get to play as a monster

Eliminate Every Every Human Being! Remake

With the great reception that the first installment of the Destroy All Humans series had, many people were quite enthusiastic about the sequel. Good goodness games where you play as a monster lived up to the promise and turned out to be a tremendously enjoyable game in which you get to take control of an extraterrestrial who could care less about the planet he’s been dropped on. After all, his main mission is to extract DNA from humans in order to ensure the continuation of his race.

You won’t always get to assume the role of a vile and dreadful monster, but you will have the opportunity to wreak devastation over a whole planet. We consider that to be sufficiently near.

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With the great reception that the first installment of the Destroy All Humans series had, many people were quite enthusiastic about the sequel


When you take even a cursory look at Darkborn, you can’t help but get the impression that you’ll be playing a badass monster that still retains the same amount of feeling and dependability as the main character. As a result, you might find yourself feeling sorry for the main character and even agreeing with some of the choices they make.

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You take on the role of a monster that is similar to Grendel and is referred to as “Darkborn.” Your people were being mercilessly slain by human hunters who are referred to as “The Pale Enemy.” Since they chased and tormented these species, games where you play as a monster is up to you to take your vengeance on the human hunters and wipe them out. Darkborn is a fantastic video game that has a compelling narrative, beautiful visuals, and a fantastic monster for players to control.

When you take even a cursory look at Darkborn, you can’t help but get the impression that you’ll be playing a badass monster that still retains the same amount of feeling and dependability as the main character

>> Read more: 

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